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Joining our network of agents, referral partners and affiliate instructors brings a great range of benefits to you and your customers.
We work with over 150 partner organisations to offer our online theory courses to their customers.
For RYA Training Centres, offering online theory courses is a great way to ensure your students have the required theory knowledge to get the best out of your practical sailing courses. We know it’s not always possible for your students to have attended a shorebased theory course with you prior to their practical course - but there’s no doubt that students who haven’t done the accompanying theory course are at a considerable disadvantage. We regularly receive feedback that students who have studied an online course with us are amongst the best prepared and have a greater depth of theory knowledge than other students.
We also work with a range of referral companies from yacht crew agencies, yacht charter companies, marinas, yacht clubs, sail training organisations, armed forces and emergency services associations, and marine businesses all of whom benefit from receiving generous commissions on sales referred by them.
We can brand our student portal with your logo and link back to you. We handle all of the booking and payment process, provide the course content, individual instructor support, and RYA certification upon completion. There is no cost and no administrative or instructor burden to you, and we provide prompt reporting and payment of commission to you.
Students can book our courses directly on your own website via a snippet of web code provided by us that generates our booking form on your website.
If you’d like to work with us, fill in the contact form and we’ll send you our Agency Agreement and answer any questions you may have.
We also welcome all RYA Instructors to our Affiliate Scheme - giving access to discounted continuous professional development as well as commission on referred clients.